Updated : 29 Dec 2023
Hong Kong Registrars Limited
Address:  Shops 1712-1716, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Tel:  (852) 2862 8555
Fax:  (852) 2865 0990 / (852) 2529 6087


In order to enable shareholders to exercise their rights in an informed manner, and to allow them to engage actively with HKEX, HKEX establishes a Shareholders Communication Policy to ensure that shareholders are provided with ready, equal and timely access to balanced and understandable information about HKEX.


HKEX has issued a Shareholders’ Guide which sets out the frequently asked questions of HKEX’s shareholders and the answers thereto with the objective of providing shareholders with the necessary information about their share interest in HKEX in order to enable them to exercise their rights in an informed manner.


Corporate Communication refers to any document issued or to be issued by HKEX for the information or action of holders of any of its securities, including, but not limited to, the directors’ report and annual accounts together with a copy of the auditor’s report, the interim report, a notice of meeting, a listing document, a circular and a proxy form.
The English and Chinese versions of all HKEX Corporate Communications are available on the HKEX Group website and the HKEXnews website. Shareholders and investors who would like to be notified when HKEX publishes its Corporate Communications on the HKEXnews website can register for the News Alerts service in the Market Data section of the HKEX Market website.
Pursuant to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance and HKEX’s Articles of Association, HKEX supplies Corporate Communications (other than Actionable Corporate Communication) to shareholders by electronic means through the HKEX Group website and the HKEXnews website  (“Electronic Version”), provided that the relevant shareholders have consented to receiving the Electronic Version.
Where a Corporate Communication is issued to seek instructions from HKEX’s registered shareholders on how they wish to exercise their rights or make an election as shareholders (“Actionable Corporate Communication”), the Actionable Corporate Communication will be sent to registered shareholders individually by post to the shareholders’ addresses as they appear in HKEX’s register of members.  For the avoidance of doubt, Actionable Corporate Communications do not include notices of general meetings and proxy forms.
HKEX will seek consent from each new registered shareholder to receiving the Electronic Version of all future Corporate Communications (other than Actionable Corporate Communications). To promote electronic dissemination of Corporate Communications, similar consent will be sought from existing registered shareholders annually at the time when HKEX publishes its annual report.
If HKEX does not receive any response from a registered shareholder indicating his/her objection to access Corporate Communications by electronic means through the HKEX Group website within a period of 28 days, the registered shareholder will be deemed to have elected the Electronic Version instead of the printed copies ("Printed Version").
If a registered shareholder wishes to 

  • receive a printed copy of the latest published Corporate Communication; or 
  • continue to receive future Corporate Communications issued by the HKEX (up to the time when HKEX publishes its next annual report in the following year) in printed form; or
  • only receive email notification of the posting of Corporate Communications on the HKEX Group website in the future, 

the registered shareholder may complete and submit the relevant Request Form to HKEX’s registrar (See “Election of Language and Means of Receipt of Corporate Communications” below for details).  

Non-registered shareholders may also request to receive the Printed Version of Corporate Communications issued by HKEX (See “Election of Language and Means of Receipt of Corporate Communications” below for details).
Upon posting of Corporate Communication(s) on the HKEX Group website

  • HKEX will despatch the Printed Version of the Corporate Communication(s) to the registered shareholders' addresses pursuant to their request (See “Election of Language and Means of Receipt of Corporate Communications” below for details), or if consent has not been sought from them to receiving the Electronic Version of Corporate Communications, or if the Corporate Communication(s) is/are Actionable Corporate Communication(s);
  • a notification of posting of the Corporate Communication(s) on the HKEX Group website will be sent to registered shareholders who have elected (or deemed to have elected) the Electronic Version, by email or, if no email addresses are provided, by post to their addresses as they appear in HKEX’s register of members.  If any of these registered shareholders for any reason has difficulty in accessing the relevant Corporate Communication(s) electronically, or wishes to receive printed copies, HKEX will promptly upon his/her request send the Printed Version to him/her free of charge; and
  • a notification of posting of the Corporate Communication(s) on the HKEX Group website will be sent by email, or if no email addresses are provided, by post (together with the Printed Version if requested), to non-registered shareholders whose shares in HKEX (whether or not held through a broker or custodian) are kept in the Central Clearing and Settlement System (CCASS).

Registered shareholders and non-registered shareholders may at any time change their choice of language or means of receipt of Corporate Communications by giving written notice to HKEX’s registrar (See “Election of Language and Means of Receipt of Corporate Communications” below for details). 
Shareholders who have any queries in relation to election of language and means of receipt of Corporate Communications may call the enquiry hotline of HKEX’s registrar on (852) 2862 8688 during business hours (9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday to Friday, excluding Hong Kong public holidays). 
Election of Language and Means of Receipt of Corporate Communications
Upon publication of Corporate Communication(s) by HKEX on the HKEX Group website, a registered shareholder/non-registered shareholder, who wishes to receive the relevant Corporate Communication(s) in printed form or in a language version other than his/her existing choice, may complete and submit the relevant Request Form (see below) to HKEX's registrar by post to 17M Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, or by email to hkex.ecom@computershare.com.hk.  

A registered shareholder/non-registered shareholder may from time to time change his/her choice of language or means of receiving Corporate Communications with not less than seven days’ notice in writing to HKEX's registrar by completing and submitting the relevant Request Form (see below) by post to the above address, or by email to hkex.ecom@computershare.com.hk.  The change request will apply to the next and subsequent Corporate Communications issued by HKEX.  

A shareholder’s request for the Printed Version of future Corporate Communications issued by HKEX (see “Corporate Communication Requests” above for details) will remain valid until the instruction has been revoked or superseded or until the time when HKEX publishes its next annual report in the following year (whichever is earlier).  

A registered shareholder, who wishes to only receive email notification of the posting of Corporate Communications on the HKEX Group website in the future, may complete and submit the relevant Request Form (see below) to HKEX's registrar by post to the above address, or by email to hkex.ecom@computershare.com.hk.  

Request Forms for registered shareholders and non-registered shareholders to change their choice of language or means of receiving Corporate Communications and/or to request the Printed Version are available for download below:

- Corporate Communication Request Form for Registered Shareholders
- Corporate Communication Request Form for Non-registered Shareholders

Privacy Notice
Please refer to HKEX's Privacy Notice for Annual General Meeting and Corporate Communications for further details of how HKEX shall process and protect personal data of its Shareholders that have been submitted to HKEX for the purpose of their Corporate Communication requests and of their respective rights.


A share certificate issued by HKEX is a proof of the shareholder's title to shares in HKEX. If a shareholder lost any share certificate, he/she should report to HKEX’s registrar and apply for the issue of a replacement share certificate as soon as possible. A replacement share certificate will be issued subject to the fulfillment of such conditions as to evidence and provision of indemnity as the Company may consider appropriate, as well as payment of the scrip fee and relevant administration costs involved.

Pursuant to the Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622 of the Laws of Hong Kong), HKEX is required to publish notices in specified form before replacement of lost share certificates, which include, among other things, a Notice of Intention to Issue New Share Certificates, and a Notice of Cancellation of Original Share Certificate and Issue of New Certificate on its website. Shareholders may refer to the aforesaid notices set out below.