HKEX is one of the world’s major exchange groups, and operates a range of equity, commodity, fixed income and currency markets. HKEX is the world’s leading IPO market and as Hong Kong’s only securities and derivatives exchange and sole operator of its clearing houses, it is uniquely placed to offer regional and international investors access to Asia’s most vibrant market.
HKEX believes in maintaining open, transparent, and constructive dialogue with the investment community. Within this section, you can find HKEX's latest financial information, strategic plans, presentations, business statistics, regulatory disclosure, shareholder information, and the contact details of our Investor Relations team.
At HKEX we are committed to the highest standards of corporate governance and recognise that good governance is vital for the long-term success and sustainability of our business. HKEX has applied the principles of the Corporate Governance Code to its corporate governance structure and practices.