Updated : 22 Nov 2018

Our relationship with shareholders and other stakeholders is critical to our future success. The Board endeavours to maintain candid and constructive communications with shareholders and wider stakeholders including institutional investors, market regulators, government bodies, listed/potential issuers and market intermediaries, Exchange/Clearing Participants/Members, Information Vendors and market participants, Mainland exchanges, market regulators and authorities, overseas exchanges, investing public, media and analysts, non-governmental organisations, industry associations, professional bodies and market users, employees and suppliers/business partners.

  • Shareholder rights
    As a core principle of corporate governance, HKEX treats our shareholders in a fair and non-preferential manner, and ensures that its corporate governance framework is effective to protect and facilitate the exercise of shareholders’ rights.
  • General meetings
  • The Board recognises the importance of promoting mutual understanding and direct communication between the management and shareholders through greater engagement, and that it is accountable to shareholders for creating and delivering value through the effective governance of the business.
  • Shareholding analysis
    Periodical analysis of HKEX’s shareholding profile is conducted to help better understand shareholders’ interests and needs. Details of the analysis are set out in the annual reports.
  • Stakeholder communications
  • HKEX is committed to maintaining the effectiveness of its communications with stakeholders for the purpose of generating a mutual understanding of objectives, trust and confidence between HKEX and its stakeholders.
In order to enable shareholders to exercise their rights in an informed manner, and to allow them to engage actively with HKEX, a Shareholders Communication Policy is established to ensure that shareholders are provided with ready, equal and timely access to balanced and understandable information about HKEX. The policy is regularly reviewed to ensure its effectiveness. In addition, a Shareholders’ Guide is prepared, which sets out the answers to the frequently asked questions raised by shareholders with regard to their interests in the HKEX shares.
The Board always ensures that our shareholders’ and stakeholders’ views are heard and understood, and welcomes their questions and concerns relating to the Group’s management and governance. Shareholders and other stakeholders may at any time send their enquiries and concerns to the Board by addressing them to the Group Company Secretary and whose details are as follows:
The Group Company Secretary
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
8th Floor, Two Exchange Square, 8 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong
Email: ssd@hkex.com.hk
Fax No.: +852 2878 7029